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Library Board Meetings


The five members of the North Valley Public Library Board of Trustees are elected by the Stevensville and Lone Rock School Districts. Library Board meetings are open to the public. The Board of Trustees welcome public comments and feedback.

If you are unable to attend a board meeting, but would like to give input, email one of the Board members. Contact information can be found HERE at Montana.GovPlease indicate whether you want comments read into the public record at the Board meeting. You can also submit comments to the Director of the Library at "Comments may be given orally or in writing. Written comments should be submitted to the library director at least 24 hours prior to the meeting."


Board Meetings are held monthly January-November on the THIRD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH at 3 pm. The Board does not meet in December. Agendas are posted the Friday before the meeting. Occasionally, meetings may be moved or cancelled. Any changes are posted below. Agendas for meetings are posted on the front window of the library, the library website, the Ravalli County Calendar, and the Town of Stevensville bulletin board. The library also sends a notice of meetings to the Bitterroot Star to be added to the paper's calendar of events. 


Agendas and Minutes
(Agendas and Minutes are combined after approval)

Wed January 15, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. 

Victoria Howell

Victoria Howell

Vice-Chair. Victoria came to Montana from California in 1971, part of the “back to the land” movement of the time. In 1985, she and her husband Michael, founded the Bitterroot Star newspaper which became a lifelong labor of love enabling them to purchase a historic farmstead where they raised three children, and continue to grow much of their own food and generally revel in the glories of nature. Appointed: Jan 2014. Current term: Appointed to fill vacancy May 2023 and expiring May 2025.

Caitlin Dunn

Caitlin Dunn

Caitlin is the owner of Montana Chocolates on Main Street and an avid library user. Appointed: Feb 2017 Current term: May 2019 - May 2023. Elected another term to expire May 2027

Margy Gilbertson

Margy Gilbertson

Margy is a retired registered nurse. She is married to husband, Jim, mother of 3 daughters, grandmother of 8, and great-grandmother of 2. She is also an avid reader. Current term: Elected May 2023. Expires May 2027.

Kim Tiplady

Kim Tiplady

Kim and her husband run Totem Farms Grass Beef in Stevensville. Kim has served on the School Board and has worked at Stevensville Head Start. Appointed: March 2016 Current term: May 2021-May 2025.

Dianne L. Snedigar

Dianne L. Snedigar

Dianne L. Snedigar, Library Board Chair Vice President/Branch Manager of Farmers State Bank in Stevensville. Appointed: Nov 2016 Current term: May 2019-2023. Elected another term to expire May 2027.

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